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Affordable Tree Trimming

At Summit Tree, we offer pruning, removal, and tree trimming in Burnsville, MN. When it comes to expert care, our crew is the best in the business. We provide expert service and quality care at an affordable price. We have years of experience working in tree care and removal and always use the proper tools and machinery. We train our professional arborists to handle any job and give expert advice on all your needs.

Affordable tree trimming services by Summit Tree and Roofing in Burnsville, MN

Expert Knowledge and Safe Practices

You don’t have to face challenging tree issues and situations alone. When a tree needs to come down quickly and safely, we’ll be there to get the job done. Our highly qualified team has the equipment necessary to handle small and large-scale work. We work quickly and oversee all the details, including chipping and cleanup. We’ll trim and remove trees without any damage to your house, car, or property. Let us use our knowledge, experience, and expertise to identify and address any issue.

Summit Tree and Roofing provides expert tree services in Burnsville, MN

Professional Tree and Stump Services

Summit Tree and provides professional trimming, pruning, and experienced tree removal experts. We remove trees that have fallen, threaten an existing structure, or have grown too large to maintain. We also offer urgent repair services for emergencies, such as a tree falling on your home. Our residential tree services include:

  • Tree trimming: Prevent disease and infestation with trimming services. We help keep your trees healthy by stimulating growth and opening branches to sunlight and air circulation.
  • Pruning: Pruning keeps bushes and trees looking their best all year. We know how and where to prune to help the individual plant thrive and grow.
  • Tree removal: Our team takes down large and small trees using the proper equipment and practices for safe and effective removal.
  • Chipping services: We’ll clear large areas and clean up after tree removal. Our specialty equipment will get rid of tree debris quickly and efficiently.
  • Stump services: Our stump removal services grind up any size stump safely and completely using equipment made for this purpose.
  • Combination service: Combine stump grinding with tree removal for optimal results. We’ll remove the tree and stump and get rid of the remaining debris.

Tree Trimming FAQ

At Summit Tree and Roofing, we prioritize customer education. If you’re new to tree trimming and pruning, we’re here to provide the clarity and understanding you need to make informed decisions for your property. That’s why we’ve compiled this insightful tree service FAQ to serve as your guide.

Why Is Tree Trimming Important?

Tree trimming is paramount to the health of your trees and the safety of your property. By proactively addressing compromised branches, you can effectively prevent worsening disease or damage from spreading throughout the tree. Trimming also reduces the risk of falling branches that may otherwise result in injuries and costly property damage.

When Is the Ideal Time for Tree Trimming?

Winter and fall are ideal times for tree trimming and pruning. During these cooler months, deciduous trees shed their leaves, allowing arborists to detect and address vulnerable or damaged limbs promptly. Furthermore, trees are dormant during these months, enabling them to heal from trimming and grow more effectively come springtime.

How Often Should I Schedule Tree Trimming?

Tree trimming should be a regular component of your outdoor maintenance plans. For the majority of mature trees, trimming should be scheduled twice annually. However, based on an initial assessment, our experts can provide a more exact timeline that aligns with your tree’s specific needs.

What’s the Difference Between Tree Trimming & Pruning?

Tree trimming upholds the health and vitality of trees, stimulating growth by removing small branches to promote ample sunlight and air circulation. On the other hand, pruning enhances the tree’s health. Pruning involves correcting or mitigating unnatural growth by removing large or damaged limbs.

When Is Tree Pruning Required?

Tree pruning is not required as frequently as tree trimming. For most trees, an annual pruning service gets the job done. However, this may vary depending on the tree species and its specific maintenance needs.

What Are the Most Common Tree Trimming Mistakes?

Tree trimming is not as simple as you may think. Trimming calls for precision and careful attention to detail. Common tree-trimming mistakes include:

  • Underestimating/lack of understanding regarding tree height, width, and spread.
  • Improper force when cutting branches.
  • Using the wrong type of tree trimming equipment.
  • Too much or too little space between branches.

Trust Our Skilled Tree Removal Experts

Our knowledgeable professionals work hard to understand your requirements and maintain a positive working environment. You can trust us to get the job done safely. We keep our tools and equipment updated to prevent damage or accidents. Our workers are fully insured. We always strive to provide you with the best results. We offer fair pricing and a free consultation so you can get your trees taken care of without breaking your budget.

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